
Kata Industries Ltd.

KATA Industries was established in the year 1985. We are a very experienced supplier of chemcial products, PU casting machineries and rubber and plastic banbury mixers. KATA has an extensive network of sales force in mainland China. Our business partners also have laboratories in their factories providing product analysis, technical support, and efficient post- sales support.

石楼县| 张家界市| 龙川县| 登封市| 乐至县| 灌南县| 辽中县| 仪陇县| 敦化市| 当涂县| 塔城市| 仪陇县| 高青县| 米泉市| 乌兰县| 旅游| 胶州市| 平果县| 来安县| 定远县| 犍为县| 松江区| 科技| 江孜县| 邢台县| 桓台县| 莎车县| 临高县| 迁西县| 日照市| 嘉鱼县| 武山县| 辉南县| 花垣县| 泽普县| 四子王旗| 砀山县| 永仁县| 乐平市| 涪陵区| 合江县|